About me

Screenshot displaying code from my project OrangeWeather

John Harrington

Software Engineer at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee

When I was a student at the University of Montana, my capstone project involved interfacing an SDS011 sensor with a Raspberry Pi and developing an iOS application to visualize air quality measurements as a time series. This project allowed me to sharpen my skills as an iOS programmer, gain hands on experience with embedded systems, and (my favorite part) explore the Go programming language in order to develop a back-end web server.

Since then I have published seven apps to the Apple App Store. Exploring mobile application development has allowed me to gain experience developing, testing, and deploying code that other people can use. Additionally, it has provided opportunities to learn many aspects of software development that are not taught in school such as version control (Git), design patterns, and the containerization and deployment of web-services.

I enjoy developing back-end web-services that add functionality to my mobile applications. I have written web-services using Rust (Actix-Web), Go, Node.js, and Python (Flask & FastAPI) in order to interface my apps with cloud-hosted resources and perform work not suited to a mobile device. I've also written a web-scraper using the Puppeteer.js library to make content posted on a Blogger website available to a mobile application.

My professional employment focuses on full-stack application development using the ASP.NET framework, JavaScript, JQuery, and T-SQL. The applications I develop and support allow business users to query extremely large sets of data and automate their workflows.