Programmatically Finding Large Files on a Local Filesystem

When I was curious to learn more about Rust, I found The Rust Programing Language to be an excellent learning resource. After finishing the book, I wanted to complete a small project to practice what I had learned. Whenever I try to come up with project ideas, I make a list of programs I can actually use in my daily life. In my Master's degree program I have downloaded countless SDKs, frameworks, CLI tools, etc. Most of these were really only useful or necessary in the context of a single project or course, and afterwards they continue to take up quite a bit of disk space. My project idea was to write a CLI tool that would accept a path to a local directory as an argument and print to std::out the ten largest files present within that directory or any subdirectories.

I have completed this project in Rust, Go, C++, and C. What follows is my code for each solution and reflections on what I have learned. The problem I have used each of these languages to solve is the following:

  1. Recursively traverse a specified directory finding each filesystem entry. If the entry is a subdirectory, recursively traverse it. If the entry is a file, store its name and size in a data structure.
  2. After the filesystem has been recursively traversed, sort the data structure such that the ten largest files can be printed to std::out along with their size in bytes.
  3. Handle any errors that may occur along the way, and learn more about best practices and idiomatic style for each language.

Dynamic Allocation using C

Working in C always makes me appreciate the data structures implemented within other languages standard libraries. As C does not have a built-in dynamically allocated array data structure, I used the opportunity to work with dynamic memory allocation and grow an array as necessary.

  • First, the initial size of the array used to store names and sizes of encountered files is defined to be 100.
  • A constant is defined to specify that the program should output only the ten largest entries.
  • A struct is defined that will store members corresponding to the name and size of each entry.
  • Using a global variable seems to violate idiomatic C practices, but in the context of this application I found it to be an elegant solution and resulted in code that is easier to read and understand. In a production application with more variables and more tasks being performed, it would be a better idea to pass this variable, in this case a pointer to a struct array, to each function that needs it.
  • A comparison function is defined which will later on be used to sort the struct array and determine the ten largest files found.
// initial size of array used to contain filesystem entries
size_t FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE = 100;

// number of largest entries to output
const int NUM_ENTRIES = 10;

    A struct to contain the name of a filesystem entry and its size in bytes. 
    An array of this type will be used to catalog all filesystem entries for 
    the directory specified as command line argument.
typedef struct FS_Info {
    char name[1024];
    long long size;
} FS_Info ;

// global pointer to current FS_Info array
// will be updated as the array is resized using dynamic memory allocation
FS_Info *curr_fs_info_ptr;

// used to sort fs_entries array descending in terms of entry size
static int compare(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct FS_Info *entryA = (FS_Info *)a;
    const struct FS_Info *entryB = (FS_Info *)b;

    return (entryB->size - entryA->size) - (entryA->size - entryB->size);

  • A function is defined that will be used to add a new entry to the array of entries already found, and if necessary, to grow the array.
  • This function accepts as an argument the path to the filesystem entry currently being examined. This path is provided so that the stat() method may be called on the entry at this path.
  • The stat structure defined in sys/stat.h. This method is used to obtain the size in bytes of filesystem entries on POSIX systems (it won't work on Windows).
  • A static variable is used to account for how many items have been added to the array so far. This value will be compared to the current size of the array.
  • If fewer than 100 entries have been added to the array so far, new entries are simply added at the appropriate index.
  • Otherwise, the array is doubled in size first, and new entries are added at the appropriate index.
void update_fs_info_arr(char *path)
    static int items_added = 0;

    struct stat st;
    if (stat(path, &st) == 0)
        if (items_added < FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE) // if array capacity will not be exceeded
            strncpy(curr_fs_info_ptr[items_added].name, path, sizeof(curr_fs_info_ptr[items_added].name) - 1);
            curr_fs_info_ptr[items_added].size = st.st_size;

        else // double the size of the containing array
            FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE *= 2;
            FS_Info *resized_fs_entries = realloc(curr_fs_info_ptr, FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE * sizeof(*curr_fs_info_ptr));
            if (resized_fs_entries)
                curr_fs_info_ptr = resized_fs_entries;

                strncpy(curr_fs_info_ptr[items_added].name, path, sizeof(curr_fs_info_ptr[items_added].name) - 1);
                curr_fs_info_ptr[items_added].size = st.st_size;

                perror("An error occurred when attempting to resize the array!");
        printf("Error getting stat for entry %s: %d\n", path, stat(path, &st));

  • A function is defined that will contain the logic of recursively traversing the specified directory.
  • This function accepts an argument specifying a given directory path. This will either be the path provided at program invocation via command line argument or a subdirectory recursed upon.
  • The dirent structure is defined in dirent.h and is used to access the provided directory in order to examine all filesystem entries contained therein.
  • If a directory can't be opened, the function will return immediately.
  • It is also important to ensure that the current directory . or the parent directory .. are not recursed upon, as this results in an infinite loop.
  • If all goes well a path to a given entry will be created and passed to the update_fs_info_arr() function.
  • Note that the char array path_to_entry is defined as having a size PATH_MAX. This size is platform defined, and requires including the limits header file.
void walk(const char *currDir)
    DIR *dir = opendir(currDir);
    struct dirent *entry;

    if (dir == NULL)
        printf("%s could not be opened", currDir);

    while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
        // if directory is current dir or parent dir
        if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)

        char path_to_entry[PATH_MAX];
        snprintf(path_to_entry, sizeof(path_to_entry) - 1, "%s/%s", currDir, entry->d_name);
        path_to_entry[sizeof(path_to_entry) - 1] = '\0';

        // use path_to_entry to call stats on the entry
        update_fs_info_arr(path_to_entry); // fs_entries will only be used on first call

        if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR)
            // recursively visit subdirectories

  • The main function expects a single argument specifying a directory to traverse.
  • If multiple arguments are provided, the program displays an error and exits immediately.
  • If no argument is provided, the program defaults to traversing the current working directory.
  • Note that I have also included a startTime variable to benchmark this implementation against a statically allocated array implementation described below.
  • calloc() is used to allocate memory for and initialize an array of FS_INFO structs. A pointer to the start of this array will be stored in the variable *fs_entries.
  • The global variable curr_fs_info_ptr is assigned to this value returned by calloc().
  • Entries present in the specified directory are either represented as an FS_INFO struct and added to the array as described above, or else recursed upon if they are subdirectories.
  • After this process finishes, the array of entries is sorted using the library function qsort(). This function expects arguments corresponding to the array of FS_INFO structs to be sorted, the size size of the array, and the comparison function described above.
  • The program outputs the specified number of largest files (in this case 10) to the console and exits.
  • I've benchmarked this dynamically allocated array implementation against the statically allocated implementation described next using the Google Cloud SDK.
  • For this directory, the program runtime is slightly longer (0.25 seconds as opposed to 0.20) seconds. This is a reminder that memory allocation is not free and does take time to perform.
  • Regardless, the opportunity to work with dynamic allocation was instructive.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    float startTime = (float)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    // a char array to hold a filesystem path
    char target_dir[PATH_MAX];

    if (argc > 2)
    { // more than one argument passed at invocation 
        char *error_message = "Usage: %s \n", argv[0];
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", error_message);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    else if (argc == 1)
    { // no argument passed at invocation, default to current working directory 
        if (getcwd(target_dir, sizeof(target_dir)) != NULL)
            printf("Defaulting to current directory\n");
            perror("Unable to detect current working directory, try passing a directory as command line argument");
    { // exactly one path specified as argument at invocation 
        strncpy(target_dir, argv[1], PATH_MAX);

    printf("Finding %d largest files in: %s\n", NUM_ENTRIES, target_dir);

    /* Create a pointer to the start of the FS_Info array and set the global
        variable curr_fs_info_ptr to this memory address
    FS_Info *fs_entries = calloc(FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE, sizeof(*fs_entries));
    if (!fs_entries)
        fprintf(stderr, "Malloc of fs_entries failed in main\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    curr_fs_info_ptr = fs_entries;

    // recursively visit all entries in the specified directory

    // sort the entries descending by file size
    qsort(curr_fs_info_ptr, FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE, sizeof(*curr_fs_info_ptr), compare);

    float endTIme = (float)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("Program completed in %f seconds", endTIme - startTime);

    // output ten largest files found
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ENTRIES; i++)
        printf("%s\t%lld\n", curr_fs_info_ptr[i].name, curr_fs_info_ptr[i].size);

    free(curr_fs_info_ptr); // good practice, but program is over and OS will reclaim anyways

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

// dynamic memory allocation averages 0.25 seconds

Static Allocation using C

  • The start of this implementation is identical to above, except now that a constant is used to define the size of the FS_INFO array and it will not be updated.
  • The same FS_Info structure is used to contain information about filesystem entries.
  • The same comparison function will be used to sort the struct array descending by filesystem size.
// size of array used to contain filesystem entries
const size_t FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE = 10;

    A struct to contain the name of a filesystem entry and its size in bytes.
    An array of this type will be used to catalog all filesystem entries for
    the directory specified as command line argument.
typedef struct FS_Info
    char name[PATH_MAX];
    long long size;
} FS_Info;

// global pointer to FS_Info array
FS_Info fs_info_arr[FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE];

// used to sort fs_entries array descending in terms of entry size
static int compare(const void *a, const void *b)
    const struct FS_Info *entryA = (FS_Info *)a;
    const struct FS_Info *entryB = (FS_Info *)b;

    return (entryB->size - entryA->size) - (entryA->size - entryB->size);

  • A function is defined that will iterate over the FS_Info array and determine at which index resides the struct having the smallest size member.
  • Note that file sizes are recorded in bytes, so it is wise to use a long long type to handle any large integers that may arise.
Iterates over an array of FS_Info structs and returns a pointer to the struct
having the smallest size member.
FS_Info *get_smallest_entry(FS_Info *entries)
    long long smallest = entries[0].size;
    FS_Info *target = &entries[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE; i++)
        if (entries[i].size < smallest)
            smallest = entries[i].size;
            target = &entries[i];
    return target;

  • A function is defined that will add entries to the array if appropriate.
  • If the array is full, the function defined above will be used to determine where a replacement should occur.
Add entires to the array. If the array is full, use the above function to find the
struct having the smallest file size, and if the current file size is larger, replace it.
void update_fs_info_arr(char *path) 
    static int items_added = 0;

    struct stat st;
    if (stat(path, &st) == 0)
        if (items_added < FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE) // if array capacity will not be exceeded
            strncpy(fs_info_arr[items_added].name, path, PATH_MAX);
            fs_info_arr[items_added].size = st.st_size;

        // find entry having the smallest size and replace it with the current entry if it is larger
            FS_Info *smallest = get_smallest_entry(fs_info_arr);
            if (st.st_size > smallest->size)
                strncpy(smallest->name, path, PATH_MAX);
                smallest->size = st.st_size;
        printf("Error getting stat for entry %s: %d\n", path, stat(path, &st));

  • The walk() function is almost identical to the dynamically allocated implementation.
  • The differences are not related to static allocation, but rather with how the char[]path_to_entry is modified to contain the next directory to traverse.
  • Mutating strings (which are really char arrays) in C is complex, and I still don't fully understand all of the nuances involved in using methods such as strcpy() snprintf() and buffer sizing.
  • I hope to complete another project in C soon that will provide opportunities to better understand this.
void walk(const char *currDir)
    DIR *dir = opendir(currDir);
    struct dirent *entry;

    if (dir == NULL)
        printf("%s could not be opened", currDir);

    while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
        // if directory is current dir or parent dir
        if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)

        char path_to_entry[PATH_MAX];
        snprintf(path_to_entry, sizeof(path_to_entry), "%s/%s", currDir, entry->d_name);


        if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR)

  • Likewise the main() function hasn't significantly changed.
  • After the largest file entries remain in the array, they are likely not sorted in descending order and so qsort() and the comparison function defined above are once again used.
  • The array, sorted in descending order, is printed to std::out and the program exits.
  • As mentioned earlier, this implementation is slightly faster as it eliminates the overhead associated with allocating and initializing new memory.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    float startTime = (float)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    // a char array to hold a filesystem path
    char target_dir[PATH_MAX];

    if (argc > 2)
    { // more than one argument passed at invocation
        char *error_message = "Usage: %s \n", argv[0];
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", error_message);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    else if (argc == 1)
    { // no argument passed at invocation, default to current working directory
        if (getcwd(target_dir, sizeof(target_dir)) != NULL)
            printf("Defaulting to current directory\n");
            perror("Unable to detect current working directory, try passing a directory as command line argument");
    { // exactly one path specified as argument at invocation
        strncpy(target_dir, argv[1], PATH_MAX);

    strncpy(target_dir, argv[1], PATH_MAX);

    printf("Finding the %zu largest files in: %s\n", FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE, target_dir);

    // recursively visit all entries in the specified directory

    // sort the entries descending by file size
    qsort(fs_info_arr, FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE, sizeof(*fs_info_arr), compare);

    float endTime = (float)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("Program completed in %f seconds\n", endTime - startTime);

    // output ten largest files found
    for (int i = 0; i < FS_INFO_ARR_SIZE; i++)
        printf("%s\t%lld\n", fs_info_arr[i].name, fs_info_arr[i].size);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

// static allocation averages 0.2 seconds 


Compared to the implementations using C, performing the same task using C++ is significantly simpler. This is thanks in large part to the standard library methods and data structures available in C++. Of note in this implementation are the std::vector and std::pair data structures, the std::fs::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator() method, and the std::sort() method. Iterating over a filesystem directory is such a common task that a method to do so recursively exists within the filesystem header file. This results in a much simpler implementation.

  • A sort function is defined which will be passed to std::sort() in order to sort a vector of pairs in descending order by the second member of the pair, in this case the size of a file.
  • A function is defined that will recursively traverse the specified directory and add file names and their sizes to a vector of pairs.
  • Each pair contains a string representing the file name, and an int describing the file size.
  • Interestingly, this is how maps are implemented in C++, as vectors of pairs, where the first member of a pair corresponds to the key, and the second the value.
  • A map would have been a good alternative data structure, but in this case a vector of pairs was simpler to sort.
// function to pass to std::sort in order to sort a vector of pairs by second item in descending order
bool sort_by_desc(const std::pair &a, const std::pair &b)
    return a.second > b.second;

Recursively visit all filesystem entries at the provided path, and if the entry is a regular file,
add its file name and file size to a vector of pairs. If the entry is a directory, this
function will be called recursively.
void analyze_fs(std::vector> &entry_vec, std::string full_path)
    for (const auto &entry : std::__fs::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(full_path))
        if (entry.is_regular_file())
            std::pair new_entry = std::make_pair(entry.path(), entry.file_size());

  • The main function contains some logic to benchmark against other implementations; this implementation is on average 100x faster than the implementations in C.
  • Similar to C, if no path is provided the program defaults to traversing the current working directory.
  • A vector of pairs is declared, and passed to analyze_fs().
  • When this function call returns, the resulting array is sorted in descending order.
  • The ten largest files are printed to std::out.
  • I refactored this code to use a fixed size array similar to what was done using C, but the performance improvement was negligible.
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    float startTime = (float)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::string full_path;

    if (argc > 2) // erroneous command line arguments passed
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " path_to_directory" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    else if (argc == 1) // no path provided as argument
        std::__fs::filesystem::path cwd = std::__fs::filesystem::current_path();
        if (!cwd.empty())
            std::cout << "Defaulting to current directory" << std::endl;
            full_path = cwd;
    else // exactly one path provided as command line argument
        full_path = argv[1];

    // holds the values of files and their sizes found by analyze_fs()
    std::vector > entries;

    analyze_fs(entries, full_path);
    std::sort(entries.begin(), entries.end(), sort_by_desc);

    float endTIme = (float)clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    // output the ten largest files found
    if (entries.size() > 10)
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            std::cout << entries[i].first << "\t" << entries[i].second << std::endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
            std::cout << entries[i].first << "\t" << entries[i].second << std::endl;

    printf("\nProgram completed in %f seconds", endTIme - startTime);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

// program completes in 0.002 seconds


Previously I have really enjoyed using Go for developing APIs and back-end web servers. Some of my favorite features are its built in memory management, its approach to error handling, a robust standard library, an active community with tons of useful public packages, and its excellent documentation. I had not previously created a CLI application using Go, and found this a perfect opportunity to do so.

  • Similar to the above implementations, a struct is defined that will contain a file's name and size.
  • A constant is defined to specify how many entries should be output to the user.
  • A WalkFunc is defined that will be passed to a WalkDir function within main().
  • The WalkFunc type and WalkDir function are defined in the path/filesystem package, provided by the Standard Library.
  • walk() expects arguments describing the path to a directory, an fs.DirEntry which is known in Go as an interface, an error value which is passed implicitly, and a pointer to a slice of EntryInfo structs.
  • If a given entry is not itself a subdirectory, the entry's name and size will be appended to the slice of EntryInfo structs.
A struct to hold a key value EntryInfo corresponding to single member of a
map[string]uint32. This will be used to sort the map data by value.
type EntryInfo struct {
	name string
	size uint32

const NUM_ENTRIES = 10

// Implement a WalkDirFunc that accepts a reference to a slice of EntryInfo
func walk(path string, entry fs.DirEntry, err error, pairs *[]EntryInfo) error {
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !entry.IsDir() {
		// add entry and its size to EntryInfo slice
		file, err := os.Stat(path)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error determining file size:", err)

		newPair := EntryInfo{path, uint32(file.Size())}
		*pairs = append(*pairs, newPair)

	return nil

  • First, logic is executed to assign a valid path to the variable fullPath.
  • A slice of EntryInfo structs is declared that will be used to keep track of discovered files.
  • This slice and the walk() function defined above are passed to an invocation of filepath.WalkDir() which handles the logic of recursively traversing the specified directory.
  • The walk() definition defines what work will be performed here.
  • After this completes, the slice of EntryInfo structs are sorted in descending order and output to the user.
  • Notice that the slice was passed by reference in the call to walk().
  • Slices are technically passed by value in Go because a slice variable is just a reference to the 0th index of a backing array. The slice type also accounts for the current size of such an array, and its maximum capacity.
  • In this case, however, the slice is being appended to within the call to walk() and the append() method expects an argument describing the slice to be appended to. Since slices are technically passed by value in Go, it is not possible to pass a slice to a function in Go (the result being a copy of the passed slice) and then expect the append() method to function correctly.
  • The specific way that slices are implemented in Go results in slices behaving as if they were passed by reference in most cases, but in this situation it is necessary to explicitly pass the slice by reference using the & operator similar to C and C++.
  • This program on average takes about 0.01 second longer than the dynamic allocation approach using C. This is the slowest implementation described so far, but not by a significant margin.
  • This isn't too surprising since the way Go implements slices is similar to how dynamic memory allocation and re-sizing arrays were used in the C implementation taking 0.25 seconds to complete.
func main() {
    // string representing directory to analyze
    var fullPath = ""

    args := os.Args
    if len(args) > 2 {
        msg := fmt.Sprintf("Usage: %v ", args[0])
    } else if len(args) == 1 {
        cwd, err := os.Executable()
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatal("Unable to infer current working directory, try providing a path as program argument")
        fullPath = filepath.Dir(cwd)
        log.Println("No path specified, defaulting to current working directory")
    } else {
        fullPath = args[1]

    fmt.Printf("Searching for %v largest files in %v\n\n", NUM_ENTRIES, fullPath)

    programStart := time.Now()

    // Declare a slice of pairs to hold entry information
    var pairs []EntryInfo

    // Recursively visit all filesystem entries at the provided path
    filepath.WalkDir(fullPath, func(path string, entry fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
        return walk(path, entry, err, &pairs)

    // Sort descending
    sort.Slice(pairs, func(a, b int) bool {
        return pairs[a].size > pairs[b].size

    programDuration := time.Since(programStart).Seconds()

    // If the provided path had fewer than NUM_ENTRIES, print all entries and their sizes in bytes
    if len(pairs) < NUM_ENTRIES {
        for _, file := range pairs {
            fmt.Printf("%s, %d\n",, file.size)
    } else { // print only the largest NUM_ENTRIES and their sizes in bytes
        for i := 0; i < NUM_ENTRIES; i++ {
            fmt.Printf("%s:  %d\n", pairs[i].name, pairs[i].size)

    fmt.Printf("\nProgram completed in %v seconds.\n", programDuration)

// program completes in 0.26 seconds on average


This is the project that started it all. Are you curious how the language voted by the StackOverflow annual survey respondents as their most loved language for seven straight years performs compared to the above implementations? Full disclosure, this was my first project in Rust and shouldn't be considered an optimal solution. There is likely a lot of room for improvement. That being said, this implementation was the slowest to traverse the Google Cloud SDK at 0.4 seconds on average.

Despite being a language with a loyal and enthusiastic following, it consistently ranks low on the TIOBE index, but rises each year. I wanted to learn Rust after I started casually looking through The Rust Programming Language. I had not previously encountered documentation for a language that was user friendly, descriptive, and packed with examples. If the cited book isn't enough, there is also Rust by Example, Rustlings, and Rust by Practice. I agree with the popular opinion that Rust has a steep learning curve, but the ample learning resources which are written to be helpful for someone with even no prior programming experience make learning Rust an efficient and enjoyable process.

Below is the implementation, if you are reading this and see room for performance improvements, let me know here.

  • Conventions established in The Rust Programming Language suggest that projects be structured such that the file contains only the code concerned with initial execution and possible termination of the program.
  • The bulk of program logic is suggested to be placed within a file.
  • Here, the file contains only a main() function; this is idiomatic according to Rust documentation.
  • main() gathers command line arguments and passes them to a Config implementation, described in detail below.
  • If anything goes wrong when attempting to create a Config struct (used to contain program configuration - in this case the specified path), an error message will be printed to std::err and the program will exit with a non-zero exit code.
  • Otherwise, the program's execution will proceed as determined in the code that follows.
fn main() {
    let start = Instant::now();

    // variable to store arguments passed at program launch
    // user should only pass in file_path to analyze a dir recursively 
    let args: Vec = env::args().collect();

    // bind arguments to a Config struct
    let config = Config::build(&args).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        eprintln!("Could not parse arguments: {err}");

    // begin program using provided configuration
    if let Err(e) = hello_rust::run(config) {
        eprintln!("Fatal Error: {e}");

    let duration = start.elapsed();
    println!("\nProgram completed in {:?} seconds", duration.as_secs_f32());

// program completes in about 0.4 seconds on average 

  • Similar to the other implementations, a constant is defined to specify how many entries should be output to the user.
  • A Config struct is also defined that will hold only one member, a string describing the specified path to traverse.
  • In Rust, functions associated with a specific struct are defined within an implementation block.
  • The implementation defined on the Config struct contains only one associated function: build().
  • This function is responsible for receiving program arguments from main() and using them to create a Config struct.
  • If no path is provided, or multiple arguments, this function will inform the user, and in the former case default to using the directory the program was invoked within.
// define how many entries should be output
const NUM_ENTRIES: usize = 10;

Config struct used to hold the string representation of the directory to recursively analyze
pub struct Config {
    root_path: String,

impl Config {
    pub fn build(args: &[String]) -> Result {
        if args.len() == 1 {
            // no argument passed at program invocation, default to current working directory
            let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap_or_else(|error| {
                panic!("Unable to infer current working director, try passing a path as program argument. {:?}", error);

            let path = cwd.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap_or_else(|error| {
                panic!("Unable to infer current working director, try passing a path as program argument. {:?}", error);
            println!("No path provided as argument, defaulting to current working directory.");
            Ok(Config { root_path: String::from(path) })
        } else if args.len() > 2 {
            return Err("Expected only one argument");
        } else {
            let root_path = args[1].clone();

            Ok(Config { root_path })

  • A Results struct is defined that will contain one member: a HashMap containing filenames as keys and file sizes as values.
  • The run() function is responsible for calling the search() function which is described below.
  • Once this function returns, a HashMap containing information about all files found is then used to create a vector which is able to be sorted by value in descending order.
  • I believe that using a vector initially, as opposed to a HashMap, and avoiding this step would yield some improvement in performance, but this has other effects which are not trivial, and for the sake of simplicity I have retained the usage of a HashMap for now.
  • Once this vector is sorted, the relevant results are output to the user, and the function returns with no errors, as indicated by the Ok(()) call at the end of the function.
Results struct to hold a HashMap with file paths as keys and bytes of files as values
pub struct Results {
    result_map: HashMap,

Accepts Config struct as argument in order to specify the directory to analyze
pub fn run(config: Config) -> Result<(), Box> {
    println!("Searching for {0} largest entries in {1}:\n", NUM_ENTRIES, config.root_path);

    let results = search(&config.root_path)?;

    // sort result_map by value (descending)
    let mut sort_vec: Vec<(&String, &u64)> = results.result_map.iter().collect();
    sort_vec.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(a.1));

    // Print the largest ten files found in the specified directory

    if sort_vec.len() > NUM_ENTRIES {
        for i in 0..NUM_ENTRIES {
            println!("{:?}", sort_vec[i]);
    } else {
        for i in 0..sort_vec.len() {
            println!("{:?}", sort_vec[i]);


  • The search() function expects as argument a string describing the path of the directory to traverse.
  • This function also demonstrates a common error handling pattern in Rust: A Result (not to be confused with a Results struct) is returned.
  • A Result type can be unwrapped to its successful value, in this case a Results struct, or else contain an error message.
  • This function instantiates a mutable Results struct and passes it to the visit_dirs() function where it will be updated to contain information about filesystem entries.
Converts the string representation of a directory to a file path object and an instance
of a Results struct. Passes both to visit_dirs().
pub fn search(path: &str) -> Result {
    let root_path = Path::new(path);
    let mut results = Results {
        result_map: HashMap::::new(),

    match visit_dirs(root_path, &mut results) {
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Error calling visit_dirs() from search(): {:?}", e),
        _ => (),


  • The visit_dir() function expects arguments describing the path to the specified directory and a mutable Results struct.
  • This function calls the fs::read_dir() method with a given path and passes the resulting entries to the add_entry() function described below.
  • Similar to the implementations in C, if a given entry is a subdirectory, this function will be called recursively in order to explore the entries contained therein.
Visit each file system entry in the specified directory and if it is a file, will call add_entry()
passing the entry as an argument. Otherwise, if an entry is a directory, it will be entered and searched
in a recursive manner.
pub fn visit_dirs(dir: &Path, results: &mut Results) -> io::Result<()> {
    if dir.is_dir() {
        for entry in fs::read_dir(dir)? {
            let entry = entry?;
            let path = entry.path();
            if path.is_dir() {
                visit_dirs(&path, results)?;
            } else {
                match add_entry(&entry, results) {
                    Err(e) => eprintln!("Error calling add_entry() from visit_dirs(): {:?}", e),
                    _ => (),

  • The add_entries) function is responsible for calling library functions to determine a given file's size.
  • This information is inserted as a key for the value of the given file's path in the Results struct member result_map.
  • Once the final entry has been passed to this method and the information inserted into the HashMap, the call stack begins to pop and eventually the Results struct is accessed within the run() function to output the results of traversing the specified directory.
For each file found, convert the file's path to a string representation and calculate the size in bytes
of the file. Insert these values into the results_map member of the Results struct.
fn add_entry(entry: &DirEntry, results: &mut Results) -> io::Result<()> {
    let path = entry.path();
    let metadata = path.symlink_metadata()?;
    let size = path.size_on_disk_fast(&metadata)?;

    let str_path = path.to_str().unwrap_or("Unknown File");

    results.result_map.insert(str_path.to_string(), size);


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